Poetry is a Call to Community

A captioned video reading of two poems from my personal collection, A Crip Love Poem and majestic disabled/queer/people of color elders instruct how to dance in the struggle for the Women Enabled International (WEI) 10th anniversary closing ceremonies in NY. Description from the WEI announcement: " 💜 Poet, writer, and visual artist, @thinkfreestyle, honored @WomenEnabled's 10th anniversary by sharing two soul-warming poems during our #CelebrateWEI event."

About WEI (from the WEI website):
WEI pioneered the application of an intersectional gender and disability framework to international human rights advocacy and has effectively worked to amplify the voices of women and gender nonconforming people with disabilities in spaces where their rights are discussed and where decisions affecting their lives are made.
Over the years, WEI has grown from a one-woman operation engaging in U.N. advocacy, to a dynamic organization with a diverse and talented team of lawyers, advocates, and organizers working from our offices in New York City and Washington DC and in other locations in the U.S., the U.K and Spain, under the guidance of a global governing board. (WEI website link)


Saucy Berry Portal and Catalina


Tupelo Quarterly Poem: Ode to Plastic Cups